Text Messaging Languag
Do you need to tell something to someone in short sentences through instant messaging, such as a short message service (SMS) ? Need to tell briefly? Need not much time to typing? Need to hurry?
Well, you must need abbreviations which is publicly known then. Use the following list below and save more time to communicate with it.
List of Text Messaging Language (A-C)
Abbreviation | ||
Numbers & Character
? | I have a question | Saya mau tanya. |
? | I don't understand what you mean | Saya tidak paham maksudmu |
@TEOTD | At the end of the day | Kiamat |
.02 | My (or your) two cents worth | Dua sen saya (kamu) yang berharga |
143 | I love you | Aku mencintaimu |
19 | Zero hand (online gaming) | Zero hand (permainan online) |
20 | Meaning 'location' | Berarti 'lokasi' |
2G2BT | Too good to be true | Terlalu bagus untuk menjadi kenyataan |
2MI | Too much information | Terlalu banyak keterangan |
404 | I don't know | Saya tidak tahu |
411 | Meaning 'information' | Berarti 'keterangan' |
420 | Let's get high | Mari kita bersenang-senang |
420 | Meaning "Marijuana" | Berarti 'Ganja' |
4COL | For crying out loud | Karena menangis tersedu-sedu |
4EAE | Forever and ever | Selama-lamanya |
4NR | Foreigner | Orang asing |
^5 | High-five | Lambaian tangan tinggi-tinggi |
555 | Sobbing, crying. (Mandarin Chinese txt msgs) | Sesenggukan, menangis (Pesan teks Mandarin Cina) |
55555 | Crying your eyes out (Mandarin Chinese txt msgs) | Menangis bercucuran air mata (Pesan teks Mandarin Cina) |
88 | Bye-bye (Mandarin Chinese txt msgs) | Dah (Pesan teks Mandarin Cina) |
9 | Parent is watching | Orang tua tengah memperhatikan |
A | ||
A3 | Anytime, anywhere, anyplace | Kapan saja, ke mana saja, di mana saja |
AAF | As a matter of fact | Sebagai bukti |
AAK | Asleep at keyboard | Tertidur di papan tut |
AAMOF | As a matter of fact | Sebagai bukti |
AAMOI | As a matter of interest | Demi sebuah kepentingan |
AAP | Always a pleasure | Selalu dengan senang hati |
AAR | At any rate | Dengan nilai berapa pun |
AAS | Alive and smiling | Hidup dan tersenyum |
ACK | Acknowledge | Mengakui, menyatakan, menjawab, membenarkan |
ADD | Address | Alamat |
ADN | Any day now | Hari apapun sekarang |
ADR | Address | Alamat |
AEAP | As early as possible | Sesegera mungkin |
AFAIK | As far as I know | Sejauh saya ketahui |
AFK | Away from keyboard | Jauh dari papan tuts |
AFPOE | A fresh pair of eyes | Sepasang mata yang segar |
AIGHT | Alright | Baiklah |
AISB | As it should be | Seperti sudah seharusnya |
AISI | As I see it | Seperti yang saya pahami |
AKA | Also known as | Juga dikenal dengan |
ALCON | All concerned | Semua pihak |
AML | All my love | Segenap cintaku |
AOTA | All of the above | Seluruhnya di atas |
ASAP | As soon as possible | Segera mungkin |
A/S/L | Age/sex/location | Usia/kelamin/lokasi |
ASL | Age/sex/location | Usia/kelamin/lokasi |
ASLA | Age/sex/location/availability | Usia/kelamin/lokasi/kesediaan |
AT | At your terminal | Pada terminal Anda |
ATM | At the moment | Pada saat ini |
ATSITS | All the stars in the sky | Seluruh gumintang di langit |
ATSL | Along the same line (or lines) | Sepanjang baris yang sama (atau garis) |
AWC | After awhile crocodile | Setelah beberapa saat buaya |
AWOL | Away without leaving | Pergi tanpa jejak |
AYEC | At your earliest convenience | Di saat Anda merasa nyaman |
AYOR | At your own risk | Resiko ditanggung sendiri |
AYSOS | Are you stupid or something | Kamu bodoh atau apa? |
AYTMTB | And you're telling me this because | Dan kau ceritakan ini padaku karena |
B | ||
B/F | Boyfriend | Kekasih/pacar |
B4 | Before | Sebelum |
B4N | Bye for now | Sampai di sini dulu ya |
BAK | Back at keyboard | Sudah di belakang papan tuts |
BAS | Big 'butt' smile | Senyum merekah |
BAU | Business as usual | Bisnis seperti biasa |
BB | Be back | Kembalilah |
BBIAF | Be back in a few | Akan kembali sebentar lagi |
BBIAM | Be back in a minute | Akan kembali sebentar lagi |
BBIAS | Be back in a sec | Akan kembali sebentar lagi |
BBL | Be back later | Akan kembali lagi nanti |
BBN | Bye, bye now | Dag-dag |
BBS | Be back soon | Akan kembali segera |
BBT | Be back tomorrow | Akan kembali lagi besok |
BC | Because | Sebab |
BCNU | Be seeing you | Berjumpa denganmu |
BCOS | Because | Sebab |
BD | Big deal | Masalah besar |
BDN | Big darn number | Jumlah yang banyak sekali |
BEN | Big evil grin | Senyum lebar menyeringai |
BF | Boyfriend | Kekasih/pacar |
BF | Best friend | Teman paling akrab |
BFF | Best friends forever | Teman paling akrab selamanya |
BFD | Big freaking deal | Masalah besar yang aneh |
BFG | Big freaking grin | Senyuman menyeringai yang aneh |
BFN | Bye for now | Udahan dulu sekarang ya |
BG | Big grin | Seringai lebar |
BGWM | Be gentle with me | Sopanlah dengan saya |
BIBO | Beer in, beer out | Pesta minum-minuman (?) |
BIF | Before I forget | Sebelum saya lupa |
BION | Believe it or not | Percaya atau tidak |
BIOYN | Blow it out your nose | Menyingsingkan ingus |
BLNT | Better luck next time | Lebih mujur di lain waktu |
BM&Y | Between me and you | Antara aku dan kamu |
BOL | Best of luck | Untung terus |
BOOMS | Bored out of my skull | Jenuh tak terkira |
BPLM | Big person little mind | Orang besar berpikiran kecil |
BRB | Be right back | Akan segera kembali |
BRT | Be right there | Akan segera hadir |
BTA | But then again | Namun diulangi lagi |
BTDT | Been there, done that | Begitu datang, semua beres |
BTW | By the way | Ngomong-ngomong |
BWL | Bursting with laughter | Mulai tertawa terpingkal-pingkal |
BYOB | Bring your own beer | Bawa minuman sendiri |
BYOC | Bring your own computer | Bawa komputer (alat tulis) sendiri |
C | ||
C&G | Chuckle & grin | Tertawa dan tersenyum |
CICO | Coffee in, coffee out | Nongkrong sambil minum kopi (?) |
CID | Crying in disgrace | Menangis karena terhina |
CMAP | Cover my a** partner (online gaming) | Lindungi mitraku (permainan online) |
CMIIW | Correct me if I'm wrong | Perbaiki jika saya salah |
CMON | Come on | Ayolah |
CNP | Continued (in) next post | Dilanjutkan pada edisi depan |
COB | Close of business | Masalah serius |
COS | Because | Sebab |
C/P | Cross post | Beda pendapat |
CP | Chat post (or continue in IM) | Lanjut mengobrol (atau lanjut di IM) |
CR8 | Create | Menciptakan/membuat |
CRB | Come right back | Akan segera kembali lagi |
CRBT | Crying really big tears | Menangis tersedu-sedu |
CRS | Can't remember stuff | Tidak ingat apapun |
CSG | Chuckle, snicker, grin | Tertawa, mengikik, seringai |
CTC | Care to chat? | Bersedia mengobrol? |
CU | See you too | Sampai jumpa lagi |
CU | See you | Sampai jumpa |
CU2 | See you | Sampai jumpa |
CUA | See you around | Sampai jumpa nanti |
CUL | See you later | Sampai jumpa nanti |
CULA | See you later alligator | Sampai jumpa nanti buaya |
CUL8R | See you later | Sampai jumpa nanti |
CWYL | Chat with you later | Mengobrol lagi denganmu nanti |
CYA | See you | Sampai jumpa |
CYAL8R | See you later | Sampai jumpa nanti |
CYO | See you online | Sampai jumpa di internet |
Interested? There will be another list of the above alphabetically to go. So, keep in touch with this page and come back soon. HAND (Have a nice day).
What do you think about the above? If this is nice page, please feel free to refer to someone you know and I will much apprecite it.
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